Running Yaesu Wires-X repeater software 1.550
Generated: WiresXWeb 1.5.4 (3) LINLAN connect: Lastheard: > LIEGE JO20SO ON4LGY-ND WIRESX connected to LIEGE (27079) N14C4SL64 CPU Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3350 @ 1.10GHz 1.10 GHz RAM-memory 4,00 GB (3,85 GB free) Server-id: AAC78A25-C671-49FA-A9AE-071B5F306033 Product-id: 00325-85354-61029-AAOEM Thanks to dg3fbl & sysops on5vdk, on6dp from on4lgy
Please visit the website of UBA LGE: ON5VL website